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KCNB makes it easy

We understand how frustrating it can be to change where you bank.

That’s why we’ve listed these 4 steps to help make the process easier. Using these steps, you can begin the process of opening your first account with us and closing your account at your current bank.

To help ensure a hassle-free transition, our team is on standby and ready to help guide you and answer any questions you may have.  Just give us a call at any of our locations.

Step 1

open your new KCNB account

Step 2

update billing information

Step 3

update direct deposits

Step 4

close your old account

The PDF version of our switchkit has more forms and letters that you may find useful during these steps.

We do not own or have any affiliation with PayPal or Cash App. PayPal is a registered trademark of PayPal Holdings, Inc. Cash App is a registered trademark of Block, Inc.

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*By selecting a platform, you will be taken to your sign-in landing page and leave*

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This is just a friendly reminder that you’re about to leave  These links are provided for your convenience, but KCNB does not endorse the website therein. KCNB is not responsible for the opinions, content, and privacy policy of said website.

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